Broadcast channels, a feature similar to Telegram’s one-way messaging, will soon be more widely available on Instagram. Mark Zuckerberg, CEO of Meta, stated in a post on his own channel that the feature is currently being rolled out globally. It had been restricted to select authors up until this point.
Users can send messages to their followers through broadcast channels, who can respond to them and vote in polls, but cannot respond directly. Meta’s products have been the subject of Zuckerberg’s announcements and updates via his channel.
Creators are able to post images, videos, and audio clips in addition to text updates. They can also invite others to collaborate with them in their channel. On his channel, Zuckerberg had a previous public conversation with Instagram CEO Adam Mosseri.
Last week, Meta introduced channels for the first time to WhatsApp. Currently, only a few organizations can use the feature, but WhatsApp plans to make it available to a wider audience in the coming months. Meta intends to include channels in Messenger and Facebook.
Meta, on the other hand, is working on a text-based “decentralized social network” to compete with Twitter. You will be able to populate your profile by logging in with your Instagram account, despite the fact that this will be a standalone service that will connect to the networking protocol that powers Mastodon.
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