Those who use polls and captions on WhatsApp’s messaging platform will soon have access to new features. Three new updates for surveys are presently accessible for WhatsApp clients, as well as another choice to impart to inscriptions. The polls feature now has three new adjustments, all of which significantly boost productivity and fun.
The first is the capability to conduct polls with a single vote. People can only vote once in this new poll type. In order to prevent people from voting multiple times, poll creators must disable the “allow multiple answers” option.
Another fascinating new component acquainted today is the capacity with look for surveys in a visit window. It makes it simpler to locate a poll you decide to respond to later. Another choice to channel messages by surveys is currently accessible in WhatsApp, which is like the one that channels photographs, recordings or connections. On the Chats screen, select Polls after pressing Search. This will bring up the new filter.
The creators of polls are the focus of the third and final poll update. When people vote, poll creators will now be notified. Additionally, poll creators will now be able to view the total number of votes cast with each notification.
To the extent that inscriptions goes, WhatsApp reported that clients can now impart archives to subtitles. Additionally, when sharing photos between chats, new options to keep, delete, or completely rewrite the caption are now available when forwarding any type of media with a caption. WhatsApp clients can likewise add a subtitle to photographs and recordings when they forward them.
Be patient if you don’t see any of the new features that were announced today; WhatsApp claims that they will all be made available to users worldwide over the next few weeks.
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