Top 5 Most Buddhist Countries in the Asia

Top 5 Most Buddhist Countries in the Asia

Buddhism is the fourth largest religion in the world, with over 500 million followers as of 2020. Buddhists make up about 7% of the world’s population, and almost half of the world’s Buddhists live in China. Although China has the largest Buddhist population in the world, only 18% of China’s population identifies as Buddhist. The remaining Buddhists live primarily in Asia.

There are many countries in Asia with a Buddhist majority, such as Bhutan, Cambodia, Thailand, and Myanmar. However, there are only four countries in the world that have Buddhism as their official religion. Bhutan, Cambodia, Myanmar, and Sri Lanka. Buddhism originated in Nepal and India, but is not a widespread religion in either country. According to the Pew Research Center, only 1% of Indians and 10% of Nepalis are Buddhist.

Look at the top 5 most Buddhist countries in Asia.

5. Sri Lanka

  • Buddhists as a percentage of total population = 68.6D
  • Buddhist population = 15,440,000

Buddhism is pivotal in Sri Lanka, shaping its cultural heritage and national identity, and plays an important role in social and religious practices is playing. Sri Lanka has one of the most Buddhist countries in the world, accounting for 68.6% of the country’s total population. The official religion of Sri Lanka is also Buddhism.

4. Bhutan

  • Buddhist percentage of total population = 74.7D
  • Buddhist population = 620,000

Bhutan’s identity is closely intertwined with Buddhism, especially Vajrayana Buddhism, which influences governance, art, and daily life. Bhutan’s official state religion is Buddhism, with almost 75% of the country’s population being Buddhist, making it one of the most Buddhist countries in the world.

3. Myanmar

Buddhist percentage of total population = 79.8D
Buddhist population = 41,440,000

Buddhism is an integral part of Myanmar’s cultural and social fabric, influencing literature, art, and national holidays. I’m giving. Myanmar has over 41 million Buddhists, making it the third largest country in the world. As a result, almost 80% of the country’s population is Buddhist. The popular form of Buddhism in Myanmar is Theravada Buddhism, which combines astrology, numerology, and fortune telling.

Myanmar Buddhism is feature by the increasing popularity of meditation among the general population. In the past, meditation was primarily practiced by monks, and laypeople commonly focused on giving alms to monks during their circuits. However, during the period of British colonial rule, meditation first became widely available to the general public. This tradition continues to this day.

2. Thailand

Buddhists as a percentage of total population = 92.6D
Buddhist population = 66,120,000

Buddhism is central to Thailand’s identity, influencing art, architecture, and daily life, and is a significant part of the population. A large percentage practice Theravada Buddhism. Thailand has her second largest Buddhist population in Asia, with approximately 93% of the population being Buddhist. Thailand’s legal framework officially recognizes her five religious sects: Buddhism, Islam, Brahmanical Hinduism, Sikhism, and Christianity. There is no specific state religion, but the constitution requires the monarch to adhere to Buddhism.

1. Cambodia

Buddhist percentage of total population = 96.8D
Buddhist population = 15,690,000

Buddhism is a pillar of Cambodia’s cultural and spiritual life, with a large influence on the country’s art, festivals, and social customs. It’s making an impact. Cambodia is the most Buddhist country in Asia. 96.8% of the population identifies as Theravada Buddhist. It also has the fifth largest Buddhist population in the world, making it one of the largest Buddhist countries in the world.


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