The actor Shah Rukh Khan has outdone himself. The Indian actor has achieved new feats with his most recent film, Jawan, which had the highest opening day ever for a Hindi film on Thursday at 129.6 crore ($15.5M). This comes after a record-breaking run with Pathaan in January.
According to report, which measures data across the complex reporting industry, the Thursday premiere was also the best ever in India for a Bollywood film, earning 90 crore ($10.9M) nationwide. The movie top the charts in Australia on Thursday. According to what we’ve been stated, IMAX, which is also promoting the movie in the United States, United Kingdom, and the Middle East, had its biggest Thursday ever for an Indian title.
The latest action thriller from SRK, which charts the emotional journey of a man determined to right the wrongs in society, has audiences here going absolutely crazy.
In particular, his character’s plea to not cast votes based on caste or religion in the film’s final monologue has resonated with viewers. Ask political candidates “what they will do for you in the next five years. If someone in the family falls ill, what will you do for their treatment? What will you do to get me a job?”
Jawan, which was directed by Atlee Kumar, also features Deepika Padukone, Sanjay Dutt, Vijay Sethupathi, and Nayanthara.
After the film’s impressive opening weekend, director SS Rajamouli of RRR tweeted his delight at SRK’s success, claiming that “this is the reason” he is the “baadash of the box office.”
Over the period of the weekend, there will be more.
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