Visous Eye: Did that there

Visous Eye is lining up for an extravegant run by dropping hit singles like Did That There with Jpopd1 which came out on October 19th 2022 on all major platforms. Original sounds and lyrics are putting him on a stepping stone of his career which has no limit. He is pushing for greatness with his catchy hooks and real life experience verses. Teaming up with the right people will make him excel to the next level in the music industry. He is handling himself well under life pressures that are inevitable. He manages his time to pour his soul into his music to cater for multiple audiences. This yr is not over yet as there is alot of tracks Visous Eye will be setting for release. Be on the look out for this scorching flame of a musician as he storms the world with his specialty with words.


Instagram: https://instagram.com/visous_eye


Instagram: https://instagram.com/jpopd1


Spotify Visous: https://open.spotify.com/artist/4qcQL9N4OrbwmGEEUhn8Er?si=NzCHwMj3Q9uPAVbQVFIfpw


Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/artist/59m1tvYsA3DSGKJHtJc7Lr?si=E7x_Y1EmQUKkrz8sf1USXw


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