
The ‘Sharing to Reels’ feature on Instagram is now available to all app developers

Meta has announced that its own Sharing to Reels widget for mobile apps is now accessible to all developers, after…

The TikTok Shop is officially open for business

With the debut of TikTok Shop, the company's US e-commerce initiatives have begun in earnest. After months of testing, the…

Instagram is rolling out reels editor to make it more user-friendly

A redesigned editing tool is one of several Reels updates Instagram is rolling out. The new editor, which Meta claims…

Apple plans to fix the iPhone 14 Pro Max cameras’ “grinding” and “vibrating” issues next week

The iPhone 14 Pro Max's camera may not only have a rough lens array that keeps getting bigger. When using…

YouTube has started to watermark shared Shorts films

If you're only cross-posting your Shorts to TikTok or Instagram Reels, YouTube wants everyone to know. A Team YouTube member…

Google will release new updates to decrease the amount of low-quality and unoriginal content in search results

Today, Google revealed that it will be introducing new Search changes over the coming weeks with the goal of making…

How to disable the feed recommendations on Instagram for a month

Instagram may be rolling back its poorly received TikTok-inspired layout and reducing the app's continual barrage of recommendations, but recommended…

How to avoid having your Instagram feed resemble TikTok

For copying rival TikTok, Instagram is receiving heat. Make Instagram Again is the message that appeared in stories posted by…

Triller, a TikTok competitor, is merging with SeaChange International to go public

App with a short video The two firms announced on Wednesday that Triller will go public via a reverse merger…

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