Here are 5 interesting facts about Good Friday

The Christian holiday of Good Friday commemorates Jesus Christ’s crucifixion. According to the New Testament, Jesus was crucified on Good Friday, also known as Holy Friday or Black Friday. Christians around the world now observe this day as Good Friday. It is a day of mourning, so it is important to remember its significance and offer prayers and good wishes.

It is odd to refer to a day as “good” when it symbolizes Jesus Christ’s death. Due to the word “good,” most people misunderstand Good Friday as a happy day.

It is believed that Good Friday is a day of mourning, repentance, and fasting. Good Friday services are held in churches where readings, hymns, and prayers are recited in honor of Jesus’ crucifixion in many Christian communities. A perusing of the Energy story is in many cases remembered for these administrations as it portrays the occasions paving the way to Jesus’ demise, as well as his final words from the cross. On Good Friday, some Christians choose to repent by fasting or avoiding meat.

You should be aware of the following five facts about Good Friday:

1. It’s a great chance to get a hair style:

Take out the scissors! It is generally accepted that getting a haircut on Good Friday keeps headaches at bay for the remainder of the year. You’ll also look your best in your Easter bonnet on Sunday because of this.

2. In 1930, there was no news on Good Friday:

“There is no news” was broadcast by BBC radio in 1930 on a particularly slow news day. The following day, piano music was played for the listeners.

3. Germany has outlawed dancing:

Nightclubs must close on this sacred holiday or risk being fined £1,000 (or $1,300) for dancing. The holiday is also known as Sorrowful Friday in German.

4. In New Zealand, commercials are not allowed:

To honor the religious holiday, New Zealand’s Broadcasting Act prohibits commercials on television and radio from 6 a.m. to noon on Good Friday. In order to avoid disrupting festivities, the same law applies on Christmas, Easter Sunday, and Anzac Day.

5. 33 times the church bells go off:

In honor of Christ’s time on Earth and the day he died, 33 bells are rung in churches all over the world to ring in the special day.

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Priyanka Patil:

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