Google doodle celebrates the Finland’s Independence Day

Finland’s Independence Day is celebrated with today’s Doodle, marking a time for both joyous celebration and solemn remembrance. The newly drafted Declaration of Independence was approved by the Finnish Parliament on this day in 1917, marking the country’s independence from the Russian Empire.

Finland’s flag is seen all around the nation when it rises in the morning. Its white and blue hues can be found in pastries, decorations, and today’s Doodle, of course. People frequently leave wreaths at war memorials or graves as a sign of respect for the Finns who came before them and carried the country to freedom. Some see The Unknown Soldier to gain knowledge about the Second World War, or they go to a military procession that passes through Helsinki, featuring an Air Force flypast.

Two candles will glow in many windows all through the evening. During the Independence Day Reception in the nation’s capital, millions of people will be watching TV in the hopes of seeing their favourite public figure shaking hands with the president.

Happy Independence Day, Finland!


Categories: Lifestyle
Priyanka Patil:

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