Google doodle celebrates the Finland’s Independence Day

Google doodle celebrates the Finland’s Independence Day

Today’s Doodle celebrates Itsenäisyyspäivä, Finland’s Independence Day, which is a time for both festivities and introspection. This day in 1917 marked Finland’s independence from foreign domination when the freshly formed Declaration of Independence was accepted by the Parliament.

The national flag, like the one in today’s Doodle artwork, is raised early in the morning. As people adorn their houses and cities to celebrate their nation’s tenacity and dedication to self-governance, this patriotic festival creates a sea of blue and white across the land. Some students see The Unknown Soldier to learn about the Continuation War, while others congregate in Senate Square to hear lectures and traditional music.

Window decorations include two blue and white candles as the day fades into night. With its historical roots, this modest, intimate touch brings families nationwide together in a common act of memory. At the conclusion of this significant day, millions of people watch the President’s Independence Day Reception speech.

Happy Independence Day, Finland!

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