Earth Day 2023: Google doodle highlights on climate change

Earth Day is celebrated annually on April 22 and serves as a reminder to humanity of the stark reality that climate change is imminent and that it is now or never. Today, a special Google doodle highlights the threat posed by climate change to humanity.

This year’s Earth Day Doodle demonstrates how communities and individuals can collaborate to combat climate change in both big and small ways. On this day, people all over the world celebrate the environmental movement’s accomplishments and think about areas where climate justice needs to be improved.

As portrayed the present Doodle (which is produced using genuine leaves) there’s a range of moves we can initiate in our everyday that can amount to have a genuine effect. This comprises:

  • at home: utilizing an air dryer rather than a dryer to dry our clothes
  • how and what we consume: adopting a plant-based diet or choosing plant-based alternatives whenever possible
  • how we get around: When at all possible, walking or riding a bike instead of driving

Acting now and together to live more sustainably is necessary to avoid the worst effects of climate change. Go here to learn more about climate change and other ways you can take action.

Categories: Lifestyle
Priyanka Patil:

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