Earth Day 2021: Here’s all you need to know about this day

Consistently, the Earth day is seen on April 22 in order to create awareness about pollution and to celebrate the environment of the blue planet. To promote ecology and raise awareness of the growing problems of air, water, and soil pollution, the Earth Day — established by Senator Gaylord Nelson — was first coordinated in 1970. The United Nations called it by the named “International Mother Earth Day”.

Theme of Earth Day 2021:

This year, it will be 51st Anniversary of Earth Day. The theme of the day this year is “Restore Our Earth”. The theme “examines natural processes, emerging green technologies and innovative thinking that can restore the world’s ecosystems,” earthday.org said. By proposing approaches to restore and replenish the planet, the experts dismiss the idea that the two different ways to address climate change are mitigation and adaption. A healthy Earth will assist us to live a better life. It isn’t only an option or desire, but a necessity.

History of Earth Day:

Before the 1970s there were almost no environmental laws and industries were permitted to dump their industrial waste and fumes anywhere on the world. A US Senator by the name of Gaylord Nelson was concerned by the growing levels of pollution.

So in the spring of 1970, Senator Nelson made Earth Day as an approach to create awareness about these issues in the US. His plan was effective, as 20 million Americans started a demonstration for Earth Day all throughout the planet.

Accordingly, the US government began an agency called the U.S. Ecological Protection Agency. Throughout the following not many years, the movement spread across the world and Earth Day turned out to be internationally recognised.

Significance of Earth Day:

In spite of severe environmental laws in numerous countries across the world, issues like a global warming, air pollution, climate change continue to threaten our planet. Numerous researchers all throughout the planet are cautioning us about the all around irreversible issues that have been made by microplastics and oil spills and depletion of the Ozone layer.

In the event that humankind proceeds on a similar way as in the past, the extinction of humanity isn’t excessively far off in the future. Earth Day seeks to help create awareness around the world about these issues and bring positive change, so people in the future generations an opportunity at a more safer life.

Categories: World
Priyanka Patil:

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